Are you sick and tired of seeing horrific power bills from your Electricity company?
Do you want to get “off the Grid” and start living with more free power?
Our team of specially trained Technicians can offer you a system to your requirements, It’s as simple as sending us your power bill! From this we can produce a comprehensive no obligation free quote, tell you the maximum size of the system you can install at your premises and just how much better off your life will be for having us out to retrofit your home with Solar Power.
Do you want a Grid connected system that will connect to your smart phone and tell you how much power it is producing?
Are you after a standalone system that stores its energy for night time so you don’t use any power except for what you can make and store during the day?
The many options and combinations are endless and are tailored to suit your homes needs depending on your household demands.
For your free comprehensive no obligation quote, give us a call today on 0423 676 890 or email us at and let us get you powered up!